However, upon their return, it was shortly discovered thereafter, that the Separatists were taking the planet over. They were able to find a village and bring Rex and Skywalker back with them for medical assistance. However, Tano, Secura and bly had to press on. Lucky, Flash and Cameron were all killed in the attack. While on the path, the squad came under attack by mastiff phalones. Secura and Tano discovered a trail, so they decided to take Bly, as well as the three troopers. The group were able to evacuate the ship before it blew up into flames. The ship made their way to Maridun, where they crashed. The ship's hyperdrive was activated, which forced Bly to detach the ship from the Resolute.

When the ship was boarding the Resolute, it was hit by a Vulture droid, which resulted in the pilot smashing his head into the controls.

They were able to get Skywalker on board. The group all boarded, save Skywalker, when an explosion sounded throughout the ship. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker had a ship dock in the lower hangar, while the group, consisting of Secura, Skywalker, Bly, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex and three clone troopers, made their way towards it. By the time the gunship crash landed, Bly and Secura had become surrounded. The 501st deployed several gunships to board and rescue as many of the 327th as possible before the final ship, the Liberty, went down.

Two of the 327th's cruisers had gone down to Separatist fire, by the time the 501st Legion came into system. The Corps came under heavy fire during the battle, by Separatist forces. In 22 BBY, the Corps were deployed to planet of Quell. The Corps served across the planets of New Holstice, Honoghr, Anzat and Dromund Kaas as well as at the Battle of Christophsis. The Corps was under the control of Commander Bly and Jedi General Aayla Secura. The 327th Star Corps was first commissioned when the Clone Army was commissioned in 32 BBY.