A song of ice and fire total war
A song of ice and fire total war

a song of ice and fire total war a song of ice and fire total war a song of ice and fire total war

Even intelligence was shared reluctantly. In addition, the Combine was cut off from its two allies, forcing their militaries to operate independently, and there was little to no appetite for the three powers to collaborate on technology sharing or military training. However, this alliance was considered unreliable at best the Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League had repeatedly clashed for worlds along their common border (particularly in the Duchy of Andurien) and both the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League coveted the same worlds in the Federated Suns’ “Terran Corridor” which linked Terra to the bulk of Federation space. In opposition, the Draconis Combine, Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League signed a similar treaty of alliance and friendship, the Kapteyn Accords, brokered by ComStar, each of the three powers offering to come to the aid of the other two.

a song of ice and fire total war

The alliance between the two powers saw them sharing military intelligence, technology and training techniques, with the Federated Suns benefitting from the Lyran Commonwealth’s immense industrial-technological base and economic power, whilst the Lyran Commonwealth’s military benefited from the Federated Suns’ far superior training regimens and intelligence on activity in enemy space. This had been caused by the signing of the Federated Commonwealth Alliance document between First Prince Hanse Davion of the Federated Suns and Archon Katrina Steiner of the Lyran Commonwealth respectively in 3022. The principal cause of the war was the unprecedented division of the Inner Sphere into two political blocs. The Inner Sphere before the Fourth Succession War.

A song of ice and fire total war